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Stop Over-Eating in 4 Simple Steps

Get ready for the ultimate masterclass to stop overeating for good.

Do you ever catch yourself thinking…

  • “I wish I didn't love food so much.”
  • “Why can't I say "no" to food?”
  • “I want to be free from the control food has on me.”
  • "I don't want to think about food all the time."

If you think these things, you are likely to get caught in over-eating loops, where you find yourself eating foods that don't serve you, make you feel yucky, and experience a lot of regret at the end of the day.

It’s important to understand the reasons we over-eat and unwind the roots that create these patterns that don't serve us.  If you don’t, these frustrating loops can keep you stuck, along with making choices in the moment that go against your dreams of losing weight.

Join me to learn how to unwind it and make success last!

All in our live masterclass.  Let's do it together.

Be sure to check "subscribe" so you get all the reminders, links and fun tidbits I will send to set you up for success!

This masterclass will be an hour & a half on zoom.  Recording will be delivered to your inbox.

Once purchased, you will receive an email with the zoom link.  

We will be live on Wednesday, November 29th.

Join me at 11am PST | 12pm MST | 1pm CST | 2pm EST

P.S. BONUS INCLUDED FOR BLACK FRIDAY.  Purchase on Black Friday and get instant access to 4 workshops valued at $76.

Workshops include:

  • Meal Planning Made Simple
  • Clean Eating Workshop
  • Stop Self-sabotage
  • Love Yourself Fiercely