#118 - "I don't want to..." thoughts

Do you find yourself not wanting to do the things it takes to lose weight?  

We often tell ourselves we don't want to do things in the moment because our brain is striving to keep us comfortable.  

What if you really did want to do the hard things?  There is a part of you that wants to.  Spend time listing to that part of yourself.

Listen as we talk about what to do in the moments we tell ourselves "I don't want to..."

*Be the first to know when doors open for our next Stop Over-Eating Class starting 8/5/24.  Click here to get on the waitlist:  https://www.leandramcmullen.com/offers/MqcXPztb

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*If you'd like to be part of a Christian community of women who are losing weight, click this link to request to join "The Christian Weight-loss Facebook Group"   


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*Find me on Instagram here:  https://www.instagram.com/leandra.mcmullen/