Grateful & Graceful Eating Masterclass

I am hosting a free 5 day challenge to receive God's love over you, your body & your eating habits.

Join me December 9th-13th as we take time to start each day with RECEIVING God's love for us.  There will be scriptures, step by step processes to walk through and prayers to empower your weight-loss journey.  When we receive what God has for us, everything changes.  I hope to see you there! 

Sign up here:

Outline from today's class:

Biblical Foundations of giving thanks:

  •  1 Thessalonians 5:18
  •  Psalm 100:4-5

Giving thanks in all circumstances:

  •  In hardship:  Thank God for His presence, His promises, & His strength.
  •  In abundance:  Thank God for His blessings.
  •  In everyday:  Thank God for the ordinary moments.

Jesus gave thanks while on earth:

  •  before feeding the 5,000 - John 6:11
  •  before raising Lazaraus from the dead - John 11:41
  •  the Last Supper - Luke 22:19-20

Eating Gracefully this Thanksgiving:

  •  1 Corinthians 10:31
  •  Galatians 5:22-23

Practical Tips for eating gracefully this Thanksgiving:

  1. set intentions - plan to enjoy smaller portions
  2. use a smaller plate
  3. eat slower - put fork down between bites & engage in conversation
  4. choose quality over quanitity
  5. stay hydrated
  6. pause before seconds
  7. practice self-compassion
  8. focus on fellowship over food
  9. pray for discipline and strength
  10. be with your body - anxious, bored annoyed etc.

I am grateful for each one of you.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!